Gucci has unveiled a new capsule inspired by, and incorporating, the work of Ken Scott. Referencing the American designer’s time living in Milan, the capsule features the colorful and floral patterns that earned Scott his “gardener of fashion” reputation. These prints, which incorporate peonies, roses, poppies and sunflowers, are used on a range of items in Gucci’s Epilogue collection. Menswear pieces include outerwear, suiting, bowling sets and tracksuits, while the womenswear selection also covers T-shirts, sweatshirts, underwear, blazers, dresses and more.
Additionally, the prints are used on footwear including men’s sneaker styles — such as the Tennis 1977 and Screener silhouettes — and Pursuit slides as well as women’s sneakers, slides, loafers, flats and high boots. Rounding out the collection is a series of accessories with stand-out caps and bucket hats.
Speaking about the collection, Gucci Creative Director Alessandro Michele said, “Ken Scott was a really great creator of fabrics. He mapped out flowers with romanticism and flowers into pop culture. He treated flowers like shop signs, he multiplied them, turned them into something that stood out. I like his work because I am obsessed with floral prints.”
The full Ken Scott x Gucci collection is available now from the Gucci web store.