Editorial Coverage
The Prada digital event reminds us that we are going through difficult times and probably the word “lockdown” will accompany us for a few more seasons. The rooms in which the models parade are closed, there are no windows, it is a path made up of a series of muffled rooms (with fur) connected to each other only by means of a door. The path we can take today is limited, we are not yet free.
The rooms are thus our environment, a lonely place where only our footsteps can be heard, and this alienates us a little. We do not hear or see external realities. There is no interaction with the external environment, just as there is no interaction between people.
The Prada woman walks along a well-defined path, no alternatives are possible. Moving forward is the only possibility. And this is a positive message. Message that we also find declined in a stylistic key: winter will be comfortable, super-warm, even the boots become comfortable, worn as if they were home shoes, in fabric and super colored.
Hands remain covered, touching the external environment can still be dangerous. Jackets are comfortable. Colors express positivity and vivacity, aspects that we must keep alive within us: yellow, teal, red.
However, a nostalgic feeling pervades the environment: the fabric designs recall a retro style, that past that we are missing, the one closest to only a year ago. The retro style that belonged to the economic boom is here not called to recall the past era, but to recall that even from an economic point of view there is a need to return to our beloved normality as soon as possible. The shirts are buttoned and bring out the collegial soul that is in us. Glamour another time, there will be time for that. This is not the time to party, if you really don’t want to give up a few convivial evenings, Prada also offers some dresses for the occasion, but without exaggerating. The sequins are only on the back of the jacket or fur collar. No exaggerated tones.
Although the watchword is “fur”, fantasies are certainly the key to interpretation. In short, maybe we’ll have to stay home for a few more seasons, let’s not miss the joy. And as Miuccia Prada remembers, speaking after the show, “when everything is over, we will not have to forget the efforts we have made in this period, such as the effort we made today to present an event in digital form that made sense, which could transmit a meaningful message”.
The designer points out that the communication effort made today should not be forgotten after the pandemic. In fact, from this moment we have learned something, to transmit emotions even without interacting with people and above all to focus attention on the creations rather than on the live event, this is also a value that belongs to today’s society. Finally, Ms. Prada underlines that “probably after the pandemic, we should use both tools: digital and live fashion show”.